In readiness for the Renters’ Rights Bill, we’re offering a free, no-obligation landlord review.
You’ll receive tailored advice about your current lets and be the first to know when any new changes take effect.
Learn what’s in the bill and when it’s expected to become law in our complete guide.
Start your free online rental valuation to estimate your property’s asking rent.
The best way to stay compliant is to use our flexible managed letting services.
No. With good rental incomes and the best choice of tenants, now is a great time to be a landlord.
Yes. With new grounds for possession, landlords can easily reclaim properties within specified timeframes.
No. If a property is unsuitable for children, it will be advertised accordingly, making working with an experienced agent even more crucial. When you work with us, we’ll find the right tenants for your property.
Yes. This ensures landlords receive clear guidelines on maintenance, helping to protect property standards and maintain positive tenant relationships.
Yes. Periodic tenancies will be mandatory. However, these can give landlords greater flexibility, making it easier to manage properties and adjust to market conditions as needed. It can also help reduce void periods with no need to relet.
No. The bill introduces clear grounds for possession, making it easier for landlords to evict tenants where justified, ensuring fair and transparent processes.
By staying informed and working with us, you’ll be able to navigate compliance requirements under the Renters’ Rights Bill, avoiding any fines or penalties.
Yes. Landlords will still be able to reclaim their property under specific grounds, so you can regain possession when needed, with clear timeframes and processes in place.
Landlords can advertise properties as “no pets,” and any pet requests from tenants can be reasonably declined if a superior lease prohibits pets. Additionally, tenants can be required to take out pet insurance, offering extra protection for your property.
Let’s be honest. Moving house is a big deal. We’ve been in business for years – and we’ve learned a thing or two along the way. We share that unique expertise with our clients, helping you to steer clear of those dead ends and bumps in the road.
We take pride in training our teams, so you know you’re getting the latest advice. We’ll help you decide the right time to sell, the best place to buy and the smartest way to let.
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